Smart Zoom

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

If one of the Video clips included in your project is a recording that has been made using Flashback Express 7, you can add a Smart Zoom which will zoom in on the mouse cursor and then follow it around the screen.

Adding a Smart Zoom

You can add a Smart Zoom to a recording by going to the Cursor tab of the Media Panel and then dragging and dropping the Smart Zoom object onto any video clip on the Timeline that is recording using Flashback Express 7. Any applicable clip will be highlighted in blue.

When the Smart Zoom is applied to a recording clip, a pair of Zoom Markers will be added to the clip's Timeline object to control where the Zoom will start and end. The Markers can be dragged along the clip to adjust where the Smart Zone starts and ends.

Customizing a Smart Zoom

When any Zoom Marker is selected on the Timeline, it's style properties from both that Marker and it's pair will appear in the Style Panel allowing you to customize the following:

Strength - Adjust how tightly the zoom will focus on the mourse cursor. The stronger the zoom, the more zoomed in it will appear.

Speed In - Adjust how quickly the image will zoom in at the start of the Smart Zone as it transitions from the full recording image to the zoomed in image. Set to 0.0 seconds for an instant zoom in.

Speed Out - Adjust how quickly the image will zoom out at the start of the Smart Zone as it transitions from the zoomed in image back to the full recording image. Set to 0.0 seconds for an instant zoom out.

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Custom Cursors
