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Show your brand

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

Branding is only available after upgrading Camigo.

If you have a brand, such as your company, that you want to promote whilst giving a presentation or just want to share some important details about yourself with potential customers, Camigo allows you to add text or an image to your video to get the message across.

Go to the Brand tab on the left of the Camigo window and then enable the Brand toggle to activate branding on your video.

Text Branding

When branding is activated for the first time, it will default to the Text tab to add text branding.

Enter the text that you want to be displayed in the text field, then choose the Font and Color that you want to use.

If you want to give the text a watermark effect, decrease the Opacity slider from 100 until you are happy with the transparency of it, or enabled the Position behind me option to make the text appear inbetween you and your background.

When Position behind me is enabled, you will only see it take affect when you leave the Brand tab. Whilst on the brand tab, the text will always appear on top to make it easier for you to edit.

Image Branding

Click the Image tab to switch to displaying an image as branding.

You can select the image that you want to use for your branding by clicking the Upload image button. The supported image formats that you can use are JPG, PNG and BMP. To remove the image, click the X button next to it's file name.

If you want to give the image a watermark effect, decrease the Opacity slider from 100 until you are happy with the transparency of it, or enabled the Position behind me option to make the image appear inbetween you and your background.

When Position behind me is enabled, you will only see it take affect when you leave the Brand tab. Whilst on the brand tab, the image will always appear on top to make it easier for you to edit.

How did we do?

Changing the background
