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Adding Subtitles

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

If your video contains speech, you can add subtitles so that viewers can read what is said instead of listening to it.

From the Video window, click the video thumbnail to open the video in the Edit and Upload Window. Then select the Transcript tab to add or edit the subtitles.

Any subtitles that you add, will be included when you export your video.

Adding Subtitles

To create your subtitles, click the Auto-generate transcript button and then select the language of the speech that is in the video. The transcription features does not perform any translation so it is best to only ever select the langauge that is actually spoken in the video.

Because the auto-generating subtitles is powered by A.I., it is not currently possible for us to allow unlimited use of it so Feature Credits are required to use it. See Feature Credits for Transcriptions for more details.

The transcript of the text will be displayed in the blocks that will be displayed on your video along with the timestamps of when that block will appear. Clicking a block will jump you to that time in the video so you can see how that block appears on top of your video.

Editing Subtitles

If any of the auto-generated subtitles need correcting, simply click the relevant block of text in the transcript and make the requried changes to the text.

If your want to discard the current transcript of the text, open the options menu and click the Delete transcript option. If you want to re-transcribe, the Auto-generate transcript button will become available again after the existing transcript has been deleted.

Downloading Subtitles

You can export a copy of the generated subtitles by opening the options menu and clicking Download transcript (.srt). The SRT file that is saved is a standard format for subtitles.

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Exporting Audio
