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Starting and Stopping Recording

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

When using the free version of Flashback Express 7. recordings are limited to 2 minutes so recording will automatically stop and save when the time limit is reached.

Starting Recording

At least one of the Screen or Webcam options must be enabled. If neither are enabled, the Start Recording button will be unavailable. See Selecting What to Record for more details on choosing where to record from.

When you have selected what you want to record, click the Start Recording button or press Ctrl + F12 to begin a recording session .

If Flashback Express 7 is minimzed to the system tray, you can also right click on the Flashback Express 7 icon and select Start Recording to begin recording.

Each recording session will begin with a 3,2,1 countdown and recording will then start.

While recording, the dashed frame will change to red and the Recorder Control Bar will appear on the outside of the frame, unless doing a fullscreen recording, in which case it will be minimized to the taskbar. See The Recorder Control Bar for more details.

Pausing Recording

A recording session can be paused by clicking the  button on the control bar or by by pressing F11.

When making a fullscreen recording, the Recorder Control Bar will start off minimized to the taskbar. Click on the FlashBack icon on the taskbar to make the Recorder Control Bar appear on the left side of the screen. Then click the  button.

Resume recording by clicking the  button that replaces the  button when recording has been paused.

Stopping Recording

A recording session can be stopped by clicking the  button on the Recorder Control Bar or by pressing Ctrl + 12.

When making a fullscreen recording or a webcam-only recording, the Recorder Control Bar will start off minimized to the taskbar. Click on the FlashBack icon on the taskbar to make the Recorder Control Bar appear on the left side of the screen. Then click the  button.

Or right click on the FlashBack icon in the system tray and select Stop Recording.

The recording session will automatically be saved when a recording session is stopped. Longer recording sessions may take a little bit of time to save, in which case a progress bar will appear to let you know what is happening.

Saving Your Recording

When a recording session is stopped, the video will automatically be saved as an MP4 file to your Recordings folder.

If you opened the Recorder from the Project Editor, you will be returned to the Project Editor and the new recording will be added to the My Files tab in the Media Panel.

If you opened the Recorder from the Hub, a new project will be created for your recording but you will remain in the editor until you close it.

Restarting a Recording

A recording sesson can quickly be restarted with the exact same settings. This is useful if you have made a mistake and want to start over.

Clicking the  button on the Recorder Control Bar or pressing Ctrl + F10 will immediately pause the recording session and prompt you to either start a new recording session by clicking Restart recording or resume the current recording session by clicking Resume.

If you click Restart recording, the current session will be deleted and the 3,2,1 countdown for a new recording session will begin immediately. The same settings, including the screen / region / window that is being recorded, will be used again.

When making a fullscreen recording, the Recorder Control Bar will start off minimized to the taskbar. Click on the FlashBack icon on the taskbar to make the Recorder Control Bar bar appear on the left side of the screen. Then click the  button.

How did we do?

Selecting What To Record

Recorder Control Bar
