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Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

You can add text to your video project by going to the Text tab and then dragging and dropping one of the Text templates either onto the Video Canvas or the Timeline.

If the Text template is dropped on to the Canvas, the Text will appear in the exact spot on the Canvas where it was dropped and it will appear on top of any other objects that have already been added to the project. A Text object will also appear on the Timeline beginning at the current frame with a default display duration of 10 seconds.

If the Text template is dragged on to the Timeline, the Text object will begin at whatever time it was dropped at and the Text that appears on the Canvas will be positioned in the default position in the center of the Canvas.

Editing Text

When Text is added, it will just contain some sample text. Simply double click on the Text's textbox on the Video Canvas to change the contents of the textbox to whatever you want it to be

Resizing, Cropping and Rotating Text

Text can be resized by clicking and dragging the corners of the Text's textbox. The font size of the Text will increase or decrease to fit the textbox.

Alternatively, clicking and dragging on the edges of the Text's textbox will adjust the size of the textbox but not the font size of the Text within the textbox. If the width of the textbox becomes narrower than the Text displayed within it, the Text will wrap on to new lines to fit within the textbox.

Text can also be rotated by clicking and dragging the icon to rotate the textboz.

Changing Text Duration

Text will have a default duration of 10 seconds but this can be adjusted by clicking and dragging either end of the Timeline object to extend or shorten it to the required duration.

Customizing Text Style

When an image is selected, either on the Canvas or on the Timeline, it's style properties will appear in the Style Panel allowing you to custom the following:

Text Font and Size - Will default to the font and font size for whichever Text template that was added but you can change both the font and the size.

Text Color - Will default to the font and font size for whichever Text template that was added but you can also pick from a selection of preset colors or create your own color.

Bold - When enabled, the text will become bolded.

Italics - When enabled, the text will become italicized.

Align - Set how the text will be aligned with it's textbox. By default, the text will be centered aligned.

Background - When enabled, a colored background is added behind the text.

Box color - By default, a black blackground is used but you can pick from a selection of preset colors or create your own color. (Only displayed when Background is enabled)

Padding - Allows you to adjust the amount of space between the text and the edge of the background box. Adding more padding will increase the size of the background box. (Only displayed when Background is enabled)

Corners - Allows you to adjust how rounded the corners of the background box are. Increasing the value will make the corners appear more rounded. (Only displayed when Background is enabled)

Shadow - When enabled, a duplicate of the text will be added behind the original text as a shadow.

Shadow Color - By default, a black shadow will be added but you can also pick from a selection of preset colors or create your own color.

Angle - Sets where the shadow will appear relative to the original text

Distance - Sets how offset the shadow will appear relative to the original text.

Blur -Sets how blurred the shadow text will appear.

Fade-in animation - When enabled, the Text will gradually fade in when it is due to appear. The Duration slider lets you control how quickly the Text appears.

Fade-out animation - When enabled, the Text will gradually fade out as it approaches the time when it is due to disappear. The Duration slider lets you control how quickly the Text disappears.

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