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Upgrading From Pro 5 or Express 6

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

If you already own a previous version of Flashback, you can upgrade to Flashback Express 7 at a discounted price compared to purchasing a new license.

As a bonus, your existing license will remain active in a addition to the new license that you will receive for Flashback Express 7.

Upgrade your Flashback Pro or Flashback Express 6 license

You can upgrade by logging in with the email address that you used to purchase your existing license at and then selecting the Buy Flashback Express 7 button next to your license details. This will allow you to get your Flashback Express 7 license with the upgrade discount applied.

Alternatively, you can go to and enter your license key to check if you are eligible for the upgrade discount. If you are, you will then be able to proceed with the purchase.

Upgrade using a Maintenance Plan

If you own a previous version of Flashback and have an active Maintenance Plan forthat license, you can upgrade to Flashback Express 7 for free instead of having to pay the upgrade price.

To claim your free license, log in at with the email address that you used to purchase your existing license and then select the Get Flashback Express 7 for free button next to your license details.

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Registering a Flashback Express 7 license

Managing Your Subscriptions
