Flashback Express 7
User Manual
Downloading and Installing
Flashback Hub
Recording a Video
Starting the Recorder
Recorder Window
Recorder Settings
Selecting What To Record
Starting and Stopping Recording
Recorder Control Bar
Advanced Recording Options
Annotating While Recording
Recording on a computer with dual GPUs
Editing a Project
Editing Basics
Navigating the Project Editor
Working with Media
The Timeline
The Video Canvas
Styling Media
Editing Preferences
Exploring Media
Flashback Pro Movies
Applying Effects
Licensing Flashback Express 7
Free vs Licensed Use
Purchasing a Flashback Express 7 License
Registering a Flashback Express 7 license
Upgrading From Pro 5 or Express 6
Managing Your Subscriptions
Feature Credits
Registering on an offline PC
Deploying a license to multiple PCs
License Troubleshooting
How To Guides
Make a clip from a recording
Replace a voiceover
Record a facecam video
Schedule a recording session
Highlight the mouse cursor
Edit audio for an imported video
How To Move a Project to a New Computer
Flashback Express 7 Quick Start Guide
Flashback Express 7 FAQs
Flashback Express 6
User Manual
Downloading and Installing
Getting Setup to Record
The Recorder Window
Recording the Screen
Recording Windows and Regions
Recording Sound
Recording a Webcam
Recording the mouse cursor
Recording Settings
The Recorder Control Bar
Starting, Pausing and Stopping a Recording
Discarding or Restarting a Recording
Saving your recording
Scheduling a recording
Editing and Uploading
The Video Window
The Edit & Upload Window
Making a Clip
Uploading a Video
Exporting to other formats
Exporting Audio
Adding Subtitles
Flashback Express Free vs Licenced
Purchasing a Flashback Express 6 license
Registering a Flashback Express 6 license
Registering Flashback Express 6 on an offline PC
Deploying a Flashback Express 6 license to multiple PCs
Flashback Express License 6 Troubleshooting
Feature Credits for Transcrptions
How To Guides
How to record a facecam video
How to make a clip
How to schedule a recording session
How to capture the mouse cursor
Flashback Express 6 Quick Start Guide
Flashback Express 6 FAQs
User Manual
Getting Started
Camigo System Requirements
Downloading and installing
Setting up Camigo
Checking for Updates
Camigo Settings
Using Camigo
Customizing your video
Camigo Quick Start Guide
Camigo FAQs
Video Converter
User Manual
Getting Setup
Video Converter System Requirements
Downloading and installing Video Converter
Free Trial
Using Video Converter
Converting Format
Format settings
Turbo Conversion
Creating Clips
Cropping a video
Applying Effects
Adding Watermarks
Changing Speed
Inserting Subtitles
Licensing Video Converter
Video Converter Quick Start Guide
Video Converter FAQs
Table of Contents
- All Categories
- Flashback Express 7
- User Manual
- Licensing Flashback Express 7
- License Troubleshooting
License Troubleshooting
by Gareth Casey
I cannot find my license key
When you upgrade your license, your license key and offline license key are sent to you in an email.
These license details are also available online by logging into the account that owns the license at https://account.flashbackrecorder.com.
The license key is invalid
Your license key needs to be entered exactly as it appears in your license email or when viewed in your account. The usual cause of it being rejected for being invalid is that it simply hasn't been entered correctly.
To make sure it is entered correctly, we recommend that you copy and paste the license key instead of attempting to manually type it into the license window.
The license key is already registered to as many computers as it allows
You can either upgrade your license with more allowed computers or you can unregister it from a computer that it is currently registered to. Both of these can be done by logging into the account that owns the license at https://account.flashbackrecorder.com.
To upgrade your license, click the Add more PCs button next to the license details. You can then select how many additional computers to add to the license and complete payment for those additional computers.
To unregister your license, click the Manage License Usage button next to the license details. To unregister the license from a PC, click the Remove button. You can also permanently block a PC from using the license by clicking the Block button.
You can also unregister a license from a computer by simply uninstalling FlashBack Express 6 from that computer (the computer must be online when doing this).
FlashBack cannot verify your license key
An internet connection is required so Flashback Express 7 can contact the FlashBack license server to verify your license.
If Flashback Express is unable verify your license, it will usually be because the computer does not have an internet connection or because the computer's firewall is blocking Flashback Express from contacting the license server.
Both of these can be solved by entering the offline license key that is included in your Flashback license email that was sent when you completed your purchase.
For restrictive firewalls, you can also add a firewall exception for the Flashback Express license server - regsys.ws.bbconsult.co.uk
The licence key is for another version of Flashback
Flashack Express will only accept Flashack Express 7 license keys.
If you try to enter a license key from an earlier version of Flashback Express or for Flashback Pro, it will not be accepted. If your license key looks like xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-x then it is for Flashback Pro 1-4 or Flashback Express 1-4. If it looks like xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx, then it may be for either Flashback Express 7, Flashback Express 6 or Flashback Pro 5
You will either need to download and install the correct version of Flashback for your license key (log in at https://account.flashbackrecorder.com to access your download links) or purchase a Flashback Express 7 license. See Purchasing a license for more details on purchasing a Flashback Express full license.
Your computer has been blocked from using the license key
It is possible to block certain computers from being able to register your license key. Until the block is removed, Flashback Express will reject the license if any attempts are made to register it.
If the computer has been blocked by mistake, log into the account that owns the license at https://account.flashbackrecorder.com and use the Manage License Usage option to unblock the computer.