Capture Your Screen

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

You can keep a record of any of your video calls by recording a video of it or you can just capture a specific moment by saving a snapshot.

Screen Recording

Click the button to begin recording your screen. You will see a 3 second countdown appear in the button to let you know exactly when the recording will begin. A timer will appear when recording begins to let you know how long you have been recording for.

When recording, click the button that replaces the button to stop recording. A notification will appear in the bottom right corner of the screen to indicate that the screen recording has successfully been saved.

By default, screen recordings will be saved to \Videos\Camigo\Recordings\ but you can select a new location by clicking the Settings button and then selecting a new save location under Save recordings to on the Folders tab.

You can quickly access the Recordings folder to view your saved videos by clicking the button and selecting Recordings.


Click the button to save a screenshot of your screen.

By default, snpapshots will be saved to \Pictures\Camigo Snapsots\ but you can select a new location by clicking the Settings button and then selecting a new save location under Save snapshots to on the Folders tab.

You can quickly access the Snapshots folder to view your saved snapshots by clicking the button and selecting Snapshots.

How did we do?

Camigo Window

Webcam Loop
