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Recording a Webcam

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

Enable the Webcam option on the Recorder window to capture video from a webcam connected to your PC.

If the Screen option is also enabled, the webcam video will appear in front of the image of the screen. If the Screen option is disabled, only the webcam will be recorded.

Sizing and positioning the webcam

When the Webcam option is enabled, the webcam preview window will appear to show where it will appear in your saved recording.

Reposition the webcam preview by clicking and dragging it.

Resize the webcam preview by moving the mouse cursor over the window and then clicking the small, medium or large icons that appear. (The large option will always set the webcam to fill the whole screen)

To close the webcam window, click the button that appears in the top right corner of the webcam preview when the mouse is hovered over it. Closing the webcam window will also disable the Webcam option.

Additional webcam settings

Click the button to access advanced webcam settings on the Webcam & Audio tab of the Settings Window.

Select which webcam to capture from by selecting it in the Camera drop down menu. If more than one webcam option is available, Flashback Express will default to the Windows default webcam.

The Choose background effect options allow you to blur the background behind you, replace it with an image of your choosing or remove it altogether:

  • When No effect is selected, the standard webcam video will be used.
  • Select Blur to apply a blur to anything that appears behind you.
  • Select Remove to completely remove the background.
  • Click to import an image file from your computer and then select the image to use it to replace the background in your webcam video. Remove imported images by clicking the button in the top right corner of the image thumbnail corner.

To flip the webcam video so that it faces in the opposite direction, enable the Mirror my video option.

If the webcam image is set to the the small or medium size, SD quality is normally sufficient so will be used to maximise performance. However, if you are only recording from the webcam, HD quality can be used instead by enabling the Enable HD option.

Background removal effects require at least 8GB of RAM. If your PC has less than that, they will not be available.

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Recording Sound

Recording the mouse cursor
