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Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

If you want to add audio to your video project, you can either import an audio file that you already have or you can search the library of stock music that is provided to you in Flashback Express 7.

Adding Imported Audio

Before adding your audio to your project, you will first need to import it into your My FIles. Simply click the Import Media button at the top of the My Files tab of the Media Panel and the select the audio file from your computer. It will then be added to your My Files.

You can then add your audio to your project by dragging and dropping it from My Files on to the Timeline. Or you can click theaudio's thumbnail to add it to the Timeline.

If the audio is dragged on to the Timeline, the audio clip will begin at whatever time it was dropped at. Or, if the audio is added by clicking the thumbnail, the audio clip will be added to the Timeline at the current frame.

Adding Stock Audio

If you need to add some music to your video project but don't have anything suitable, you can search the library of stock music tracks by going to the Audio section of the Media Panel and then selecting a genre to explore. You can preview any music track in your seelcted genre by clicking on the track's thumbnail.

When you have found a track that you would like to add, you can either drag and drop it on to the Timeline to add an audio clip at wherever you drop it or you can click the icon for the track to add the audio clip at the current frame.

Extracting Video Audio

If you add a video clip that includes sound, a single Timeline object will be added for both the video and its audio. Any edits made to that object will be applied to the video's audio as well as the video itself.

However, if you want to edit the video clip's audio separately, you can split them into separate Timeline objects by right clicking on the video object and selecting Detach audio. An audio clip will then be added in the track below the video object which can be edited completely indepedently from the video.

Changing Audio Clip Duration

If you need to trim either the beginning or the end of an audio clip, you just need to hover your mosue cursor over the relevant end of the audio clip on the Timeline, then click and drag to shorten the clip.

Customizing Audio Clip Properties

When an audio clip is selected, it's properties will appear in the Style Panel allowing you to custom the following:

Volume - Adjust the Volume slider to change the volume for just the selected audio clip instead of the whole project.

Clicking the speaker icon next to the volume slider will Mute the audio. While muted, the audio clip on the Timeline will change color to gray to indicate that it has been muted. Clicking the speaker again will unmute the audio clip.

Fade-in - When enabled, the audio will gradually fade in as it starts to play. The Duration slider lets you control how quickly the audio reaches its maximum volume.

Fade-out - When enabled, the audio will gradually fade out as it approaches the end of the audio clip. The Duration slider lets you control how long before the end of the clip the volume will start to decrease.

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