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Flashback Express Free vs Licenced

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

When Flashback Express is first run, it will automatically download a free license for you to use. This allows Flashback Express to run but with some restrictions:

  • Recording time is limited to 2 minutes
  • PC audio is not available
  • Scheduling is not available
  • Auto-trimming is not available
Anyone who installed Flashback Express during the beta period will be able to continue using Flashback Express without limits on the PC that they installed the beta on.

Licensing Flashback Express

To remove the recording restrictions, a license needs to be purchased. You can purchase by clicking the links that appear when clicking Off for the PC audio option on the Recorder window or by clicking the Upgrade button on the Videos window or Edit and Upload window.

See Registering a license for details on how to upgrade and enter a full licence key into Flashback Express.

How did we do?

Purchasing a Flashback Express 6 license
