GIFs & Emojis

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

You can add some personality or humor to your video calls by showing animated GIFs or emojis on top of your video for everyone to see.

Click on the Search GIFs & emojis searchbar in the top right corner of the Camigo window and then enter your search words to look for something suitable to add to your video.

Select an emoji or GIF from the displayed search results to add it to your video.

Emojis will automatically disappear after a few moments but GIFs will continually loop until your remove them by clicking the X button that appears in the center of the webcam preview.

When adding a large GIF. it may take a few seconds to download. A spinning wheel will temporarily appear on your webcam preview to let you know that the download is occuring but other call participants will not see anything until the GIF appears.

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