Flashback Express 7 FAQs

Gareth Casey Updated by Gareth Casey

Is Flashback Express 7 an upgrade to Flashback Express 6 or Flashback Pro 5?

Both! To simplify things, we've merged both product lines back into a single product. License owners for both Flashback Express 6 and Flashback Pro 5 can upgrade their licenses to Flashback Express 7.

See Upgrading from Pro 5 and Express 6 for more details on how to upgrade from the previous versions.

Recordings from both products are also supported by Express 7 so Flashback Pro 5 users can import their FBR files and Flashback Express 8 user can import their MP4 files.

However, some Flashback Pro features are not available in Flashback Express 7.

See Flashback Pro Movies for more details on what features are not supported in Flashback Express 7.

Is Flashback Express 7 free to use?

Yes, but with some restrictions. Free users will have a time limit of 2 minutes, no access to autor-trimming, a watermark will be added to exported videos and only a small amount of usage is available for the subtitle transcription and A.I. voice changer features.

To remove these recording restrictions, a license needs to be purchased. See Purchasing a Licence for more details.

What operating systems will Flashback Express 7 run on?

Flashback Express 7 is optimized to run on Windows 10 and 11 . It will also run on Windows 8.1 but you may need to manually install .NET Framework 4.5.2 (available here).

Flashback Express 7 is not available for Linux, MacOS, iOS or Android.

Flashback Express 7 won't start. What should I do?

You can send us a problem report by running the Report a Problem.bat file in the Flashback Express installation folder. By default FlashBack Express 7 will install to: C:\Program Files\Blueberry Software\Flashback Express 7\

Why is my recording just a black screen?

If you are using a computer that has both a dedicated graphics card and integrated graphics, the integrated graphics needs to be used by Flashback Express 7 when recording.

If you making a recording and only see a black screen in the saved video, Windows has probably defaulted to using the dedicated graphics card for Flashback Express 7. Find out how to switch Flashback Express 7 to using the integrated graphics card here.

I don't see the control bar while recording. How do I stop recording?

If you are making a fullscreen recording and have the Hide toolbar when recording fullscreen option enabled, Flashback Express 7 will be minimized to the taskbar while you record. Click the Flashback Express 7 icon on the taskbar to make the control bar appear on the left side of the screen.

Why is my mic not being recorded?

Open your Windows settings, go to Privacy -> Microphone and check whether the 'Allow desktop apps to access your microphone' option is enabled. If isn't, enable and then try recording again. 

My mic is picking up some noise. What can I do about it?

Enabling the Noise cancellation option on the Webcam & Audio tab of the Recorder Settings may help. It typically works best at removing continuous ambient noise so may not be as effective at removing noises that happen at random.

Can I record the webcam without recording my screen?

Yes, simply disable the Screen option on the Recorder window while the Webcam option is enabled to record from just your webcam.

You will also probably want the Enable HD option turned on in the Webcam & Audio settings to make sure the best resolution possible is used for the saved video.

Can I save using other video formats?

All recordings are saved as MP4 videos, but projects that you create can be exported to either MP4 or MKV.

How do I open FBR files in Flashback Express 7?

If you create a new project, you can import FBR files, just like any other type of video file, by going to the My Files tab of the Media Panel and then clicking the Import Media button.

However, not all of the features that were available in Flashback Pro are supported in Flashback Express 7, so you may find that not everything that you added in Flashback Pro will import correctly.

Can I change the hotkeys?

The default hotkeys that are used by the Recorder can be customised on the Hotkeys tab of the Recorder Settings.

Can I remove the background from my webcam video?

Open the Recorder Settings and, below the webcam preview image Webcam & Audio tab, you can choose whether to blur the webcam background, replace the background with an image or completely cut out the background.

This feature is only available on PCs with 8GB of RAM or more and must be used when recording your webcam video.

Can I disable automatic updates?

Yes, if you go to the General tab of the Settings and click the Privacy option, you can disable the automatic check for updates. You can also disable any anonymous usage data being sent back to Blueberry.

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Flashback Express 7 Quick Start Guide
